Rebozo closing ritual
The Closing of the Bones is a way to honour and celebrate a new mother. This ritual acknowledges the huge transformation she has undergone in pregnancy and childbirth. It makes space for the enormous shift that she has experienced physically, mentally and emotionally.
Physically, it guides her back into her own body, brings the bones back into place, helps her pelvic organs shift and blood flow. Women who are honoured in this way experience a sense of calm and grounding, re-establishing her sense of self.
A safe space is created for this ritual, in a warm & quiet room. We start with some time to share where the new mother is at, how she is feeling, looking back on the birth, anything that needs to be heard.
This ritual includes a healing meditation, a massage with essential oils of head, arms, legs & feet. We also massage the belly, lovingly taking care of this area where a baby grew.
After the massage we offer a foot bath with flowers and herbs as well as through inhalation.
With the help of a rebozo (Mexican scarf), we then gently rock the whole body which has a soothing, deeply relaxing effect.
For the last part of the ritual, the new mother is tightly wrapped using 6 rebozos. We wrap and honour different parts of her body—feet, knees, pelvis, waist, shoulders, head. The mother is then left to rest as we hold space for her. After a short closing this beautiful ritual is complete.
Pricing : CHF 350 – 3 hours
“Marjorie and Pauline were so warm and lovely and this was exactly what I needed. Time for myself and doing this ritual to close my birth experience. Pauline and Marjorie were the perfect people to do it with, caring and loving people, they are really have open hearts to take care of you. The Rebozo was an amazing experience and I would recommend every woman who went through birth to grant themselves this!” – Rachel Evers
“A travers des échanges, une séance de méditation, un délicieux bain de pieds aux pétales de roses et à la lavande et bien entendu le fameux rite Rebozo de bercement / compression avec des longs foulards colorés, j’ai pu me plonger dans un moment de bien-être et de lâcher-prise qui m’était entièrement dédié, sans interruption par mes enfants et sans véritable notion du temps qui passe…
Même si vous n’êtes pas sensible à la beauté symbolique de ce rite ancestral qui vient accompagner les moments de transition, clôturer des étapes importantes de la vie de femme, il vous apportera au moins un savoureux état de bonheur pour le corps et l’esprit !” – Clemence van Raay